Spanish and Mandarin tutoring Baltimore, MD area

We offer Spanish and Mandarin tutoring in the surrounding Baltimore, MD area and also offer virtual options. We know that additional reinforcement is the key to excelling in learning a new language. For those students learning in school, we can either reinforce your understanding or help you to advance. With Spanish and Mandarin tutoring in the surrounding Baltimore, MD area, we are available to assist. In addition, we have pooled together a variety of resources for families looking for additional reinforcement at home.

FwFL Amazon Store

Visit our FwFL Amazon store for a broad range of language products for our Spanish and Mandarin Chinese language students.

Scholastic Book Club

In addition, we have partnered with Scholastic to provide our families with Club Leo, a Spanish book club with bilingual and Spanish only books for children of all ages. To see the Club Leo selections, please register your account at and use DKR7Q for the class code. You will then be prompted to create your own login information.

Local Libraries

Local public libraries provide a good resource for families looking to provide additional reinforcement in a foreign language. For your convenience, we have listed all links to local community libraries’ websites.

Free Online Resources

Visit the free online resources listed below for additional reinforcement.